Why Work with Breadwinners [a dozen reasons and a 13th reason]
Expert Knowledge of Life Insurance Products and Their Uses – I might have seen over the past 20+ years almost everything in the life insurance business; from types of policies to the more complicated estate planning and business insurance applications of deferred compensation, split dollar arrangements, buy-sell coverage, etc.
20+ Years Experience Serving Diverse Clients I work with individuals, businesses, trustees, attorneys, accountants, agents, private bankers, financial planners, and fee-only advisers. My hundreds of clients span the spectrums of walks-of-life, financial resources, and real-life personal and business situations; they live in almost every state in the US, and nearly a dozen countries around the world.
20+ Years Obtaining Favorable Underwriting Obtaining the best possible health classification for an insured can be arduous and challenging. I have extensive knowledge and experience dealing directly with underwriters in order to obtain the most favorable health classification for my Breadwinners’ clients. This direct experience and that of my underwriting partners means we bring a wealth of specialized information regarding how insurers view medical histories and avocation pursuits that practically every month seems to delight some new client. Speak with me about underwriting strategies if you have any medical, avocation, or other unique underwriting concerns.
Extensive Experience on Related Products While I have built Breadwinners’ reputation largely on my life insurance expertise, my/Breadwinners’ knowledge of disability insurance, long-term care, and annuities is extensive. Read the articles on these related products (Annuity, LTCI), and you’ll readily see how my expertise on these related products pay-offs for clients.
Extensive Relationships with Allied Professional Insurance matters, both personal and corporate, can often raise a variety of multi-disciplinary issues. When such challenges arise, I know whose unique complementary expertise on legal, employee benefit, and related business matters to recommend and/or involve.
Excellent Financial Analytical Abilities The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, aside from a Ph.D. Professor of Finance, is widely regarded as the most significant mark of knowledge in the financial services sector. To obtain a CFA involves passing three all-day exams within a few years; I passed all three annual exams consecutively, a feat accomplished by significantly less than half of all CFAs. In addition to my CFA, I was a recognized leader in economics in my class at Georgetown, earning the highest score on the department’s comprehensive exam.
Work With Any and All Insurers Breadwinners’ has contracts with dozens of insurers and also works closely with agents of captive or non-brokering insurers. Breadwinners’ has no restrictive agreements to direct business to a particular insurer, nor any quota obligations or sales goals incentives that affect its recommendations.
Honesty and Openness These qualities are not just proclaimed, but consistently demonstrated to and confirmed by others. Examine my activities to bring policy disclosure to the marketplace and others’ testimonials about my work. Currently, circa 2010, all of Breadwinners’ professional services are provided by me. Know that as Breadwinners grows, although not all future Breadwinners’ professionals will have abilities and experiences exactly comparable with my own, these Breadwinners’ commitments to honesty and openness will radiate from all Breadwinners’ associates’ character and actions. Keep in mind, though, these qualities are best appreciated when experienced first-hand by contrasting my/our recommendations and work with others’.
Willingness to Disclose and Negotiate Fees I work for my clients and provide a variety of professional services, all related to: 1) Reviewing situations or policies, 2) Buying or selling policies, and 3) Fixing a client’s insurance problems. In some situations, my work is fee-based; in some others it is commission-based; and in still others, my compensation is negotiated. Clients never have any doubts about my recommendations because of any unanswered concerns about my compensation.
Commitment to Service Your concerns are my concerns. I make sure that I accomplish your assignment not just to fulfill your expectations but also to fulfill my duties according to the highest professional standards. As proof of such, my eyes and ears are always open for you, and my thoughts re-circulate your concerns even when your assignment is completed. Breadwinners’ bakes and makes long-term relationships.
Uniqueness and Creativity If permitted to stretch my own arm to pat my own back, I would observe that this web site is a testament to our innovative solutions. The “je ne sais quoi” that others experience when working with me/Breadwinners’ is, however, no doubt best experienced in person.
Recognized Expertise There are lots of friendly life insurance agents, and I like to think – and in fact am often told- I am part of such a crowd. But, if you’re like most people, when they or their loved ones have an important and serious concern, whether medical or legal or financial, automotive, etc., they do not settle for friendliness or convenience, but instead they want, seek, and demand real and time-tested expertise. My articles, experience, and web site all testify to my exceptional expertise. Not only does such produce unique insightful recommendations, but it provides Breadwinners’ clients with unrivaled, priceless peace of mind.