The Source for Unrivaled Expertise, Integrity, and Truly Exceptional Life Insurance Policies, Analysis, Service and Value. Avoid Getting Scammed, Abused, Fooled or Hoodwinked by a Smooth-talking, Seemingly-helpful, Huckster agent.

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An Extra Reason!

Dear Prospective Clients:

I ask you to work with Breadwinners’ because buying decisions are really votes. Consumers vote with their dollars. Not only will you receive all the value described and represented throughout this web site, you will also be: 1) showing your support for my 20+ year campaign to improve the life insurance marketplace, and 2) encouraging my planned future activities to continue essential additional transformative work on this and other vital insurance reform/public policy matters. Choosing to work with Breadwinners’ demonstrates your concern and care about social and economic progress and causes.

Many have said that few, if any, have worked harder, or more diligently than I have over the past 20 years to improve the life insurance marketplace. Notice, I didn’t say smarter. Certainly no one looks smart when this enormously costly catastrophe of inadequate policy disclosure, so readily fixable by providing and publicizing appropriate disclosure, has persisted for generations. Yet, as I regularly tell my clients, “I couldn’t have waged the incredibly long and hard battles, that apparently were all necessary preliminaries to achieving the ultimate goal, still not yet completely achieved, of publicized appropriate policy disclosure without your business, assistance, and encouragement. Only together can we extend our impact and now finally achieve this goal that all life insurance consumers have always needed and deserved.

Always glad to be of service.


R. Brian Fechtel, CFA & Agent

PS Oh, and finally, choosing to work with Breadwinners’ demonstrates your financial smarts, as my clients buy and manage their insurance policies with unrivaled confidence. Harvest this expertise, service, and exceptional value for you and your loved ones. Although many have said good things about this website, until you personally experience our excellence, you won’t know what you’re missing. Choosing Breadwinners’ as your life insurance agent, adviser, and/or consultant is a decision that will reward you and your loved ones forever. Thank you.


Call Breadwinners' Ins

Breadwinners' Insurance
Brian Fechtel, CFA, Agent


2975 Westchester Avenue, Suite 410
Purchase, New York. 10577

Additional Office
1 Chatsworth Avenue #47
Larchmont, NY 10538
Phone: (914) 457-0110
Fax: (815) 346-2516

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